Slow Down COVID-19 Stress

We know that the world is facing a major threat. For all of us life is changing. There is uncertainty about how long the situation will last and what will happen.

There’s lots of helpful information about managing stress. This website gives easy access to some of the main messages.

It shares ideas from a therapy called SlowMo. We know that fast thinking can make us stressed. SlowMo supports people to Slow down for a Moment, see the bigger picture, and find the best way forward.

Quick links: Slow Thinking | SlowMo Tips

Fast Thinking

Fast thinking means going on first impressions and gut feelings. It is tied to how we feel. It’s human nature. It can be helpful when we are in danger and need to react quickly. Fast thinking is a natural response to what’s happening.

Do you have any of these fast thoughts?

Do you have any of these fast thoughts?

Noticing fast thoughts can help us slow down. Click here if you would like to notice your fast thoughts. If noticing worries makes you feel worse, focus on helpful thoughts instead.

Slow Thinking

Slow thinking is not about telling ourselves things are better than they are. It’s about stepping back and working out the best way forward.

Watch this animation about slower thoughts. Do any of these work for you?

Do any of these slow thoughts work for you?

Click here if you would like to add your slow thoughts. You can keep these on your phone or print them out to help during this difficult time. The SlowMo tip card can be used for dealing with fast thoughts.


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We are a team of psychologists working in the NHS and at King’s College London. We hope that you find this information helpful. If you would like to contact us, please email .

If you are in crisis, please contact your GP or go to A&E.

Further support:
