The SlowMo trial has been launched at King’s College Guy’s Campus, with a super exciting event including talks, videos, demos and our SlowMo bubbles!
The launch started with Dr Geraldine Strathdee, (Former National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England) giving an inspiring talk on the digital health revolution in psychosis care. Rama Gheerawo (Director of the Helen Hamlyn Centre of Design, Royal College of Art) followed with a fascinating look at how design can improve our wellbeing by tackling some of society’s toughest problems. Our team then introduced the trial, with Professor Philippa Garety describing the origins of SlowMo, Amy talking about the design of SlowMo, and Tom sharing the plan for how we will work alongside NHS services to recruit our 360 trial participants!
The launch was a great success and well attended by service users, clinicians, researchers, funders, support staff, software developers and inclusive designers. It was great to see so many of you who have been involved in the creation of SlowMo or who will be supporting the trial in the coming months. The evening ended with drinks and a chance to try out the therapy – with SlowMo bubbles among the goodies for people to take home. A big thank you to everyone who attended, and a special mention to Geraldine and Rama for their talks!
We look forward to discovering whether our innovative digital therapy can make a real difference to the lives of people struggling with fears of harm from others.
Please mail me when the app is on app store or available for download.
I appreciate this it being so i ‘suffer’ from schizophrenia.